Hi, i've updated my Opera browser. I would just say speed dial is amazing.
It's the most useful caching system i've seen ever. You can set up to 9 web sites to be cached and updated regurarly: the result is an incredible speed boost on that sites.
I would want to say something against Gecko forces: i see Firefox, Thunderbird and the other gecko-based applications too heavy and less powerful/featureful than Opera.
Ok, they have extensions, but the extensions they have are handled in Opera in a better and lighter way. Also, Opera introduced widgets, just a beginning toward plugging the browser.
Firefox and Thunderbird are about 30mb of download, Opera just 6 mb, and this is important for my 56k for upgrades.
Gecko is open source, Opera's not... maybe this is the main reason why Opera is less used than Gecko: "i want only open source software because i want open source". For who's using Gecko, compliments for the choice, i guess you got so much computer resources in order to use it :) .
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